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Date Published data
28.4.2023. Ethnicity
Book 1:  Ethnicity, data by municipalities and cities
Table: Population by nationality and gender, by municipalities and cities (ethnic communities with more than 2000 members)
Table: Population by ethnicity, Republic of Serbia (detailed classification)
18.5.2023. Number and floor space of housing units
Book С1: Number and floor space of housing units, data by settlements
Table: Number and floor space of housing units, by settlements
25.5.2023. Age and sex
Book 2: Age and sex, data by settlements
Table: Population by age and sex, by settlements
Table: Average age of the population by sex, by settlements
8.6 2023. Number of rooms and auxiliary premises in dwelling
Book С2: Number of rooms and auxiliary premises in dwelling, data by municipalities and cities 
Table: Number of rooms and auxiliary premises in dwelling, by municipalities and cities 
8.6.2023. Dwellings according to the floor space
Dwellings according to the floor space
16.6.2023. Religion, mother tongue, ethnicity by age
Table: Population by mother tongue, by municipalities and cities
Table: Population according to religion, by municipalities and cities
Table: Population by nationality, age and sex, by municipalities and cities
Table: Population by nationality and religion, by region
Table: Population by nationality and native language, by region
7.7.2023. Households by number of members
Book 3:  Households according to the number of members, data by settlements  
Table: Households according to the number of members, by settlements  
Table: Average number of household members, by settlements  
20.7.2023. Number of occupants and households in dwellings and occupied premises  
Table: Housing units according to the number of occupants, by municipalities and cities
Table: Housing units according to the number of households , by municipalities and cities
31.7.2023. Educational attainment, literacy and computer literacy
Book 4: Educational attainment, literacy and computer literacy, data by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment and sex, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 10 and over by sex, and illiterates by age, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and over by computer literacy and sex, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and more, by ethnicity, age, sex and educational attainment by region  
24.8.2023. Density standard, ownership and tenure status of households  
Book С3: Dwellings by density standard type of ownership and occupancy status, data by municipalities and cities
Table: Occupied dwellings according to average floor area per occupant, by municipalities and cities
Table: Occupied dwellings according to the ownership and tenure status of households, by municipalities and cities
25.8.2023. Marital status
Book 5: Marital status, data by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and over by legal marital status, age and sex, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and over who live in consensual union by age and sex, by areas  
Table: Population aged 15 and over by year of birth, sex and legal marital status, by regions  
25.8.2023. Fertility
Book 6: Fertility,  data by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population aged 15 and over by sex, age and number of live births, by municipalities and cities  
Table:  Population aged 15 and over by number of live births, sex, age and nationality, by region  
29.9.2023. Migration
Book 7: Migration, data by municipalities and cities  
Table: Autochthonous and migrant population, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Migrant population by immigration area, time of immigration and sex, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Population by (place) country of birth and citizenship, by areas  
12.10.2023. Installations in the dwellings  
Book С4: Installations in the dwellings, by municipalities and cities
Table: Number of dwellings according to the installations and type of dwellings, by municipalities and cities
20.10.2023. Families  
Book 8: Families, data by settlements  
Table:  Families by type, by settlements  
Table: Families with children by type of family, number and age of children, by municipalities and cities  
15.11.2023. Heating in dwellings  
Table: Heating in occupied dwellings without central heating, by municipalities and cities
17.11.2023. Economic characteristics
Table: Population by economic activity, age and sex, by municipalities and cities  
1.12.2023. Disability
Table: Population aged two and over by disability status, sex, age and type of settlement, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Persons with disability aged two and over by type of problem, sex and age, by municipalities and cities  
22.12.2023. Basic population groups (individual age, calendar years of birth, school attendance, etc.)
Table: Population by individual age and sex, by region  
Table: Population by age, sex, school attended, by regions  
28.12.2023. Dwellings by type of building, year of construction and number of floors  
Table: Dwellings according to the type of buildings and period of construction, by municipalities and cities  
Table: Position of the dwelling in the building(number of floor), by municipalities and cities
23.02.2024. Comparative overview of data by censuses
Table: Number of population in 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2011 and 2022
Table: Number of households 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2011 and 2022
Таble: Number of dwelling for permanent habitation in 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2011 and 2022
Таble: Number of dwellings - total in 2002, 2011 and 2022
26.04.2024. Households by the family composition and characteristics of the reference person
Table: Households by the family composition and characteristics of the reference person  
Table: Households by the age and sex of the reference person and by the family composition  
09.05.2024. Residential Buildings
Book S5: Residential Buildings
  Table1: Residential buildings by number of dwellings
  Table2: Residential buildings by period of construction
  Table3: Residential buildings by number of floors
  Table4: Residential buildings by material of outer building walls
19.07.2024. Daily migrations
Table: Daily migrations  
27.12.2024. Economically active population performing an occupation
Тable1: Economically active population that perform occupation by the industry and sex  
  Тable2: Economically active population who perform occupation by occupation and sex
  Тable3: Economically active population performing occupation by status in employment by sex
Date Special publications
08.03.2024. The most common names and surnames
Book: The most common names and surnames  
18.10.2024. Population projections, 2022-2052
Book: Population projections, 2022-2052  
16.12.2024. Detailed mortality tables, 2021-2023
Book: Detailed mortality tables, 2021-2023  
31.03.2025. Census for the beginners
Датум Thematic Studies
 28.03.2025. Population of Serbia - dynamics and structures
 28.03.2025. Population and households of the City of Belgrade
 28.03.2025. Demographic profile of the young population of Serbia
 28.03.2025. Demographic profile of the older population
 28.03.2025. Towards understanding the birth crisis in Serbia
 28.03.2025. The gap between marriage and family
 28.03.2025. Ethnocultural portrait of Serbia
 28.03.2025. Roma population in censuses of Serbia - between statistics and demographic reality
 28.03.2025. Serbia as a destination - who immigrates and who returns
 28.03.2025. Demographic changes and economic growth in the Republic of Serbia
 28.03.2025. Serbia between the village and the city - settlements and their structural features
 28.03.2025. Population in small settlements