Census 2022 - excel tables
- Total population, by settlements
- Population by age and sex, by settlements
- Households by number of members, by settlements
- Families by the type, by settlements
- Comparative overview of the number of population in 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2011. and 2022
- Comparative overview of the number of households in 1948, 1953, 1961, 1971, 1981, 1991, 2002, 2011. and 2022
- Number and floor of housing units, by settlements
- Total population, by municipalities and cities
- Population by ethnicity and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population by age and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 10 and over by sex, and illiterates by age, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over by computer literacy and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population by religion, by municipalities and cities
- Population by mother tongue, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over by legal marital status, age and sex by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over who live in consensual union by age and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over by age, sex, and number of liveborn children by municipalities and cities
- Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment, sex, age and type of settlement, by municipalities and cities
- Households by number of members, by municipalities and cities
- Elderly households, by municipality
- Population by migratory characteristics, by municipalities
- Migrant population by migration area, period of migration and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Families with children by family type, number and age of children, by municipalities and cities
- Families by the type, by municipalities and cities
- Population by economic activity, age and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Population aged two and over by disability status, age, sex and type of settlement, by municipalities and cities
- Pеrsons with disability aged two and over by type of problem, age and sex, by municipalities and cities
- Dwellings by number of rooms, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Number of dwellings by auxiliary premises, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Occupied dwellings according to the floor space per occupant, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Occupied Dwellings according to the floor space per occupant, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Dwellings according to the ownership and tenure status of the households, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Dwellings by availability of installations of water supply and sewage disposal system,and occupancy status, by municipalities/cities
- Dwellings by availability of installations of electric energy, gas and heating and occupancy status, by municipalities/cities
- Residential buildings by number of dwellings, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Residential buildings by period of construction, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Residential buildings by number of floors and lift availability, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Residential buildings by material of outer building walls, by municipalities/cities and type of settlements
- Daily migrations of the pupils and students, by sex and type of settlement, by municipalities/cities
- Daily migrations of the active population performing an occupation, by sex and type of settlement, by municipalities/cities
- Families by the type and the number of family members, by municipalities and cities
- Economically active population that perform occupation by the industry and sex, by municipalities/cities
- Economically active population who perform occupation by occupation and sex, by municipalities/cities
- Population by ethnicity, by areas
- Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment, by areas
- Population aged 10 and over, and illiterates by age, by areas
- Population aged 15 and over by computer literacy, by areas
- Population aged 15 and over by legal marital status and sex, by areas
- Population aged 15 and over who live in consensual union by age, by areas
- Population by migratory characteristics, by areas
- Population by the place of birth and citizenship, by areas
- Economically active population that perform occupation by status in employment and sex, by areas
- Population by ethnicity and mother tongue, by regions
- Population by ethnicity and religion, by regions
- Population aged 15 and more, by ethnicity, age, sex and educational attainment by regions
- Population aged 15 and over by year of birth, sex and legal marital status, by regions
- Population aged 15 and over by number of liveborn children, sex, age and ethnicity, by regions
- Population aged 15 and over by sex, age, and number of liveborn children, by regions
- Population by year of birth and sex, by regions
- Population by age and sex, by regions
- Population by age, sex and school attended, by regions
- Households by the family composition and by the number of members, by regions
- Households by the age and sex of the reference person and by the family composition, by regions
- Population by ethnicity, age and sex, by regions