Educational attainment, literacy and computer literacy
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia publishes the final results of the 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings on the educational attainment, literacy and computer literacy of the population of the Republic of Serbia, by municipalities and cities (Book 4 „Educational Attainment, Literacy and Computer Literacy“).
In addition, one can find in the dissemination database the table with data on population aged 15 and over by ethnicity, age, sex and educational attainment, by regions.
Таble 1. Population aged 15 and over by educational attainment and sex
Total | Without educational attainment and incomplete primary education | Primary education | Secondary education | High and higher education | Unknown | |
Republic of Serbia | 5691551 | 357406 | 1013067 | 3020958 | 1277396 | 22724 |
Male | 2739739 | 110031 | 450544 | 1599987 | 567960 | 11217 |
Female | 2951812 | 247375 | 562523 | 1420971 | 709436 | 11507 |
% | ||||||
Republic of Serbia | 100 | 6,28 | 17,80 | 53,08 | 22,44 | 0,40 |
Male | 100 | 4,02 | 16,44 | 58,40 | 20,73 | 0,41 |
Female | 100 | 8,38 | 19,06 | 48,14 | 24,03 | 0,39 |
The results of the 2022 Census show that more than half of the population aged 15 and over completed secondary school (53,1%), primary school (eight years) was completed by 17.8% of population, 22.4% gained a diploma of the high or higher school, while 6.3% of population are without school or completed less than eight grades of primary school.
Observed by sex, the share of women that attained high or higher education in the total number of women aged 15 and over exceeds the share of men with high and higher education in the total number of men of the same age (the share of persons with completed high or higher education/faculty/academy is 24.03% for women and 20.73% for men).
The largest share of persons with high and higher education was recorded in Belgrade city municipalities Vračar (61.8%), Novi Beograd (50.4%), Savski venac (53,7%) and Stari grad (59.0%), while the smallest share of persons with high and higher education was in the municipalities Malo Crniće (5.6%), Žabari (6.1%) and Gadžin Han (6.6%).
In the period between two censuses the share of persons with high and higher education grew from 16.24% (2011 Census) to 22.44% (2022 Census), as well as the share of persons with secondary education – from 48.93% (2011 Census) to 53.08% (2022 Census), while fall was recorded in the share of persons without educational attainment and with incomplete primary education – from 13.68% (2011Census) to only 6.28% (2022 Census).
Population aged 10 and over by literacy
As laid down in the methodological recommendations, the literate are taken to be every person aged 10 and over who completed at least four grades of primary school, as well as every person who attends school at the moment of the census. The question on literacy (whether a person knows how to read and write a short text from everyday life) was asked only to persons aged 10 and over who did not attend school or completed 1–3 grades of primary school and did not continue further schooling.
The results of the 2022 Census indicate that less than 38 000 persons, i.e. 0.63% of population aged 10 and over are illeterate. There are much more illiterate women than illiterate men – the share of women in the total number of illiterate persons is 71%. More than half of the illiterates are 65 and over.
Observed by municipalities, the largest share of illiterate persons in the population aged 10 and over was noted in the municipalities Bujanovac (3.6%), Petrovac na Mlavi, Nova Crnja (2.7%), Bojnik (2.6%) and Plandište (2.3%).
In the period between the two last censuses, the share of illiterate persons in the populatin aged 10 and over fell from 1.96% (2011 Census) to 0.63% (2022 Census).
Таble 2. Population aged 15 and over by computer literacy and sex
Sex | Total | Computer literate persons | Persons with partial computer skills | Computer illiterate persons | Unknown |
Total | 5691551 | 2602550 | 1685824 | 1376725 | 26452 |
Male | 2739739 | 1227972 | 889986 | 608298 | 13483 |
Female | 2951812 | 1374578 | 795838 | 768427 | 12969 |
% | |||||
Total | 100 | 45,73 | 29,62 | 24,19 | 0,46 |
Male | 100 | 44,82 | 32,48 | 22,20 | 0,49 |
Female | 100 | 46,57 | 26,96 | 26,03 | 0,44 |
Computer literacy is defined as person‘s ability to use basic computer applications in performing everday tasks (for job, in school, at home). Consequently, collected were the data on whether the persons are able to perform text processing, create tables, search information on the Internet and whether she/he has electronic communication skills (sending and receiving electronic mail, using applications Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, etc.).
The results of the 2022 Census indicate that about 46% of population aged 15 and over can be considered computer literate (they know how to perform three basic computer activities – on a computer, tablet, mobile phone), about 30% have partial computer skills (mostly, they can find information on the Internet or to use an application for electronic communication or to use a computer for text writing, etc.), while 24% are considered computer illiterate because they do not know how to perform any of the mentioned activities.
Observed by municipalities, the largest share of computer literate persons was recorded in the following city municipalities of the City of Belgrade – Vračar (76.9%), Stari grad (73.7%), Novi Beograd (70.9%), Savski venac (69.9%), Zvezdara (67.6%), Voždovac (65.4%), Čukarica (62.6%), Rakovica (61.2%), Palilula (57.7%) and Zemun (57.4%), in Novi Sad (62.8%) and in Niš (55.9%). The smallest share of computer literate persons was in the municipalities Gadžin Han (18.7%) and Malo Crniće (19.4%).
In the period between two censuses, the share of computer literate persons in the total population aged 15 and over grew from 34.21% (2011 Census) to 45.73% (2022 Census).
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- 21.12.2022. First results of the 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings
- 21.12.2022. Press conference - The first results of 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings
- 01.12.2022. Tomorrow, December 2, 2022, the enumerators are back on the field
- 07.11.2022. Today, November 7, 2022, at 8 p.m., field data collection in the 2022 Census ends
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- 30.09.2022. 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings begins
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- 26.08.2022. Final list of candidates for enumerators invited for training
- 20.08.2022. Preliminary list of candidates for enumerators invited for training
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- 12.08.2022. The final list of selected instructors
- 10.08.2022. Ranking list of registered candidates for enumerators
- 08.08.2022. Ranking lists of registered enumerator candidates are published on August 10
- 22.07.2022. Public call for registering enumerators
- 22.07.2022. Final list of instructor candidates invited for training
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- 19.07.2022. Media conference on the occasion of 2022 Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Serbia
- 15.07.2022. Announcement of public call for enumerators
- 13.07.2022. Preliminary list of candidates for IT assistants, second round
- 06.07.2022. Ranking list of candidates for instructors in the Census 2022 who are invited to submit documentation, test and interview
- 05.07.2022. List of registered candidates for work as an IT assistant, second round
- 29.06.2022. The second public call for applicants to work as an IT assistant
- 28.06.2022. Final list of candidates for IT assistants
- 24.06.2022. Public call for candidates for instructors in the 2022 Census
- 22.06.2022. Preliminary list of candidates for IT assistants
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- 17.06.2022. About 2,500 instructors will be needed to conduct the 2022 Census in the Republic of Serbia
- 14.06.2022. List of registered candidates for work as an IT assistant
- 08.04.2021. Field implementation of the Census from October 1st to October 31st, 2022
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